View Full Version : Need to split a 6 digit number

09-07-2009, 06:37 AM

I need to split a 6 digit number into two - first digits & remaining 5 digits.

As a example - Consider Cell A1 had value 123456 & we will have to split it into two parts as "1" & "23456".

Can I store these separated values some where and use it?
I need these to be split as I need to compare these values with some other.

Thanks in advance...

09-07-2009, 07:31 AM
in cell B1, enter "=mid(A1,1,1)", in cell C1 enter, "=mid(A1,2,5)" then do a fill down

Bob Phillips
09-07-2009, 07:31 AM
B1: =LEFT(A1,1)
C1: =MID(A1,2,99)

09-07-2009, 11:06 AM
These give non text results
B1: =(A1-C1)/100000
C1: =MOD(A1,100000)