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View Full Version : Sleeper: Macro Slowdown due to Multiple Processes?

09-16-2009, 08:21 AM

First post here and I am pretty new to the world of VBA but I am hoping that the experts might be able to assist me with an issue with the macro I am working on.

The macro is designed to take an Excel chart (with XML code embedded) and create a PowerPoint chart with it in PowerPoint. While I have the macro working, I tested it on multiple machines and seems to be an issue with a couple of the machines. The macro tends to create a chart every 3-6 seconds, so 100 charts comes to about 5 mins but a couple of machines takes just under two hours to create the 100 charts. One thing I have noticed with the machines is that on the Task Manager Processes, Excel.exe keeps appearing 3-4 times at the same time constantly with Graph.exe flicking on and off. On the machines where it takes five mins, I usually get just one Excel.exe constantly and the Graph.exe flicking on and off, sometimes turning into a second Excel.exe for a split second.

If anyone has any suggestions what could be the problem, you will have my thanks and I will mail you cookies in return!

Bob Phillips
09-16-2009, 08:48 AM
This needs a lot more delving into to even begin understanding.

When you say with XML embedded, what exactly do you mean? Powerpoint creates its chart from this XML? I presume this is all 2007?

What are the setups on the machines that do work quickly against those that are slower.

Can you post a reduced workbook with just a few charts in?