View Full Version : Solved: ListBox not showing the list

09-22-2009, 06:51 PM
Hello guys,

I have two list boxes, one shows the available options and the other shows the list that use selects from the other listbox,
When the form loads , the available list box should show values and the suser selecte listibox should be empty. When user selects a value in the available listbox, based on the value selected another form pops up with some information. and the user can then add the list to the selected listbox.

Well all these functionalities work perfectly fine , when I run in Office 2007 (my application is saved in 2003 version), the problem that I have is my client uses 2003 version and when the form loads the available listbox appreas empty, but when the user just click in the listbox the infromation form with apporpriate information pops up and the user can see still add it to the selected listbox (I hope I did not confuse ).

I try to recreate the lisbox in 2003 but still the available listbox does not show values in the list, but all its functionalites do work the way it need to .. I wonder what is happening. Any one any clue... It is a bit urgent as it is due tomorrow. this is the one of the problems that I am facing *btw versions

09-23-2009, 05:52 AM
I did a couple of tests on the listbox... What it shows currently is just the abbreviations of the standards that are available (the list box is bound to a query that is results in two fields one is abbreviation the other is the id of the abbreviation) the Listbox is set so that the id is hidden and not the abbreviation.. when I unhide the ID.. I can see the ID in the list box but not the abbreviations.... Wonder why.. I did try to recreat the form but still face the same problem ... can some one please guide me as to why this is happening Please.
Thank you

09-23-2009, 06:06 AM
It's worth checking a couple of settings on your List Box that can cause them to behave erratically.

On the Properties, Format tab, check the Number of Columns property. This is the number of fields in your query (regardless of whether you see them or not), so it sounds like this should be 2. Check also that you have the right number of column sizes (eg 0cm;2cm) - having not enough or too many can both cause issues with what's displayed.

09-23-2009, 06:12 AM
I did what u suggested.. not matter wht the widths I set it to and number of coulms that I set .. I cant seem to see my list.. But do keep this in mind.. Even though I cant see the values I cant make selections in it and when one does make a selection another form with respect to the selection pops up.. .

Wonder what is happening.. and this needs to go out today..

Please let the suggestions comming in .
Thank you

09-23-2009, 06:24 AM
Not sure what else to suggest. Make sure that the Fore and Back colours aren't the same I guess, but if it works in 2007 it shouldn't be this.

It's usually forgetting to update the column count that messes me up. Other properties to check are the list width and (on the Data tab) the bound column - it's usually easiest to make sure this is set to 1 and rearrange your queyr fields to put the appropriate field first.

Other than this I can't offer you any more help without seeing the problem. If you PM me I can give you my email address, if this is something that you can send out.

09-23-2009, 06:37 AM
Well here is the form that I am talking about..
open the frm mobilityproject or mobilityporject_edit... both have the problem

Please find the attachment


09-23-2009, 06:56 AM
OK, I've had a look and sorted out the Column Count, Column Sizes and the order of your fields in the RowSource queries. This now works on my computer (running Access 2003), so hopefully it will work for you too.

09-23-2009, 07:11 AM
@Kafrin are you sure you attached the corrected file.. coz when I open it is still dosent show the list..Could you please recheck it

Thank you

09-23-2009, 08:35 AM
It's definitely the right file (for starters it's changed size from yours). Don't know what to tell you, it works fine for me. I'm assuming you open this form from a button, so maybe check the code on the button in case it's doing something funny.

09-23-2009, 09:02 AM
I cant see the list even if I open the form directly instead through a button...
It is weired ... wonder if anyone else has anything to say here

09-24-2009, 05:30 AM
After a lot of playing around with the form , listbox properties.. I played around with the database design too.. one thing that I noticed was that the field that needs to be listed in the listbox had its format field set as "@" once I took it off the listbox worked perfectly fine..

I still wonder why would that be so as it worked in 2007 why wouldnt it work in 2003

As far as I recollect I think the format was set as default in the 2007 design.

09-24-2009, 05:57 AM
Glad you finally solved it :-)

There some odd bits that 2007 can cope with but 2003 can't; it may also be to do with how 2003 interprets that default format. Interesting that it worked for me anyway, maybe it depends which Access/Office 2003 updates you have installed.

09-24-2009, 06:19 AM
Yahh it works.. but I still dont have a definite answer

Thanks for your help