View Full Version : Auto expand powerpoint slide to fit content

09-29-2009, 08:38 AM

Is there a possible way to auto-fit the height of the powerpoint slide to ft the content in the slide? or is it possible to make the page autofit when it notices that the content is getting close to the edge and auto expand?


09-29-2009, 09:10 AM

Is there a possible way to auto-fit the height of the powerpoint slide to ft the content in the slide? or is it possible to make the page autofit when it notices that the content is getting close to the edge and auto expand?

The height is a property of the presentation; if there are more than 1 slide, all slides will be the same size.

What are you trying to accomplish? Would fitting the content to the size of the slide be what you want, or do you want the content to remain the size it is?

09-29-2009, 09:50 AM
This is more of a word project, but I need to incorporate smart art graphics into this which I don't think word can support. (I may be mistaken) but the size in the height may be different from slide to slide.

However if I use the one slide to fit everything. Can it support auto height?

Thanks for you help!