View Full Version : [SOLVED:] What Causes “Personal.xls” to be Opened?

10-07-2009, 07:23 PM
I’ve always believed that Excel attempts to open file “Personal.xls” if it can find it in one of several locations that it has a list of. If it can’t be found, then Excel presumes the file is not needed, then goes on to complete it’s startup sequence. If Personal.xls is already loaded, then Excel makes no further attempts to locate it. Is this a valid understanding?

What is the relationship of file ”ATPYBAEN.xla” and “Personal.xls”? When I attmpt to open some of my workbooks, I get a runtime error because Excel cannot find a macro that is located on Personal.xls. At least that seems to be the reason for the error. If I stop and examine the References file, and neither Personal.xls or ATPYBAEN.xla is on the list, I can make things work by adding “ATPYBAEN.xla” to the Reference list. Subsequent investigation shows that “Personal.xls” is now on the References list, although I didn’t add it. It is also called “VBAProject”, not “Personal”. Apparently “ATPYBAEN.xla” causes “Personal.xls” to be added to the References list. Why? Subsequently the macros in Personal.xls work OK when referenced by resident macros in the workbook’s modules.

When I examined the References list to see if there is a “VBAProject “ (Alias for Personal.xls), I found a different instance of VBAProject for each workbook that was open at that time. None of these has a check mark next to it, and there was no apparent way to determine if one of these instances was for Personal.xls. What’s that all about??

Will someone unravel all this for me please?


10-08-2009, 12:04 AM
Hi Sid,
If Personal.xls is not found, I guess Excel assumes it does not exists, rather than is not needed.
re APTVBAEN (note spelling, I guess that is the file) see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/171027