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View Full Version : Help in Vlookup function error

10-10-2009, 05:50 AM
Hi Guys,
I want use vlookup function with two sheets, but when i go on another sheet for select destination source it does not work. only i am able to use single file means i have to copy destination data to same file in which i am using the function then it work. i am facing this type of issue first time, i have never faced such type of problem earlier so can anyone solve it why this is happning? I will highly appreciate him.

Bob Phillips
10-10-2009, 08:12 AM
Two sheets or two workbooks?

In what way does it not work?

Can you give more details of the data and the formula?

10-11-2009, 10:56 AM
Hi Distinguished Lord,

when i was using with two workbook it does not take range from destination workbook but when i do with same workbook deffrent sheet it work.

It's automaticaly resove the issue when i tried next day but i did not know what was the problem.