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View Full Version : Solved: Disable Slide Transistions

04-21-2005, 01:09 AM
I am building a PowerPoint slideshow, where the only way I want the user to navigate through the presentation is through the use of hyperlinked buttons on the slides.

How do I disable the usual methods of advancing a slide in a slide show (page up,page down, right-click next/previous)?? I know this needs to be done with VBA, but I'm not sure how I turn them off in the VBA code.

Thanks in advance, Sean.

04-26-2005, 02:10 PM
Hi, :D

You don't need any code for this to work and you can save the settings in you're presentation.

You have to run Kiosk mode and you're hyperlinks will work fine and the rest off the navigation will not! (Esc to exit)

It differs from version to version how to get there..if need be look op "Kiosk" in the help file.

In my Office its:
Go to SlideShow Menu/Set up Show/Check: "browsed at a kiosk"

Enjoy! :thumb

04-27-2005, 01:24 AM
That's great..works perfect and is a lot more easier than trying to do the VBA..!!!

04-27-2005, 10:47 AM
That's great..works perfect and is a lot more easier than trying to do the VBA..!!!
Hi Sean, :D

Glad to here that..you're welcome! And yes if you don't need it you should never use VBA. :rofl:

Don't forget to mark you're post solved..till the next challenge! :thumb