View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Extract Data From Text File

10-21-2009, 04:07 PM
I'm pretty familiar with VBA however I have no experience with tab delineated files. I'm looking to pull information from a tab delineated text file into a multidimensional array. Is that possible to get done without having to read it onto the worksheet?

10-21-2009, 05:24 PM

If the textfile is much in size, I would think that importing and snagging the range.value into an array would be quicker.

Anyways, not well tested, but appears to work:

Option Explicit

Sub exa()
Dim FSO As Object, fsoTxtFile As Object, _
aryAllVals As Variant, aryTmp As Variant, _
i As Long, x As Long, y As Long, lCols As Long
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'// Change fullname to suit. //
Set fsoTxtFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TabDelim.txt")
With fsoTxtFile
i = i + 1
'// Get column and row count to size array with. //
lCols = UBound(Split(.ReadLine, vbTab, , vbTextCompare)) + 1
Do While Not .AtEndOfStream
i = i + 1
End With
ReDim aryAllVals(1 To i, 1 To lCols)
Set fsoTxtFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TabDelim.txt")
With fsoTxtFile
For x = 1 To UBound(aryAllVals, 1)
aryTmp = Split(.ReadLine, vbTab, , vbTextCompare)
For y = LBound(aryTmp) To UBound(aryTmp)
aryAllVals(x, y + 1) = aryTmp(y)
End With
'// To test...
Range("A1").Resize(UBound(aryAllVals, 1), UBound(aryAllVals, 2)).Value = aryAllVals
End Sub

Hope that helps,


10-21-2009, 05:39 PM
Thank you very much I will use that as reference