View Full Version : multiple search and filter

10-24-2009, 01:58 AM
Can you please help me.

In these files i need to search a 'PART name" in column A, CAPACITY in column D and Total current in column J.

Example In PART NAME= "MINIFUSE", Capacity ="15" and TOTAL CURRENT= "50 to 60 (with range)". Then show the searched result (complete row) in next sheet...

I beg any who can help me... tHank you!

10-24-2009, 02:29 AM
Hello, I need some help on this problem.

I attach a sample file. The problem is, how can i use the formula(column D) to get the temperature(column E) using Current(column C)?

Example, I want to compute for the minifuse "Row #2" with formula "= 0.1093x2 + 0.2278x - 1.5" however "x" should be replace with Current value 'column C'(left cell of "FORMULA") and place the result in temperature 'column E'(right cell of "FORMULA")

Thank you for your very best effort.