View Full Version : Creating a new feature in feature class

11-02-2009, 05:08 PM


I am trying to accomplish perhaps a very lofty goal. I have two feature
classes of land parcels. One feature class deals with land parcels and need to
be surveyed (ToDo) and the other is of already surveyed parcels (Surveyed).
Using the select tool, I want a user to select a ToDo parcel, and in a form I
created, type in the survey data. When the user hits save, I want the form
data and parcel feature to be added to the Surveyed feature class.

First I have a couple quick questions.

1. How do I simply add the feature to the Surveyed feature class?

2. Can I delete the selected feature from the ToDo feature class once save has been clicked?

3. (If previous answer is yes, then...) How can I then delete the feature from
the ToDo feature class once save has been hit?

I am not requesting code, just information on what I can actually do in VBA. I
will attach the code I have so far, much is missing in terms of what I am
trying to do. If you notice any errors or inproper procedures then please let
me know. What I have accomplished is writing the code to define the
features values in the form so that the proper fields are filled in. Other than
that, I am lost. My ArcObjects book is not giving me any guidance and I have
looked through several online tutorials but yet to find any proper instruction.

You will see that I have declared some variables and have yet to use them.
I am pretty sure I will need to Set them eventually, I just haven't yet due to
the problem at hand.

I appreciate any help and look forward to your replies!

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
'Define input/output space and Create feature in Surveyed from selected feature in ToDo
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Dim pMaps As IMaps
Dim pMap As IMap
Dim pParcel As IFeatureLayer
Dim pToDoFClass As IFeatureClass
Dim pToDoSel As ISelectionSet
Dim pToDo As IFeature
Dim pSurveyedFClass As IFeatureClass
Dim pSurveyedSet As ISelectionSet
Dim pSurveyed As IFeature
Dim pFeature As IFeature
Dim pFilter As IQueryFilter

Set pMaps = pMxDoc.Maps
Set pMap = pMaps.Item(0)
Set pToDoFClass = pMap.Layer(1)
Set pSurveyedFClass = pMap.Layer(0)

pFeature.Value(2) = txtMAPPLAT.Text
pFeature.Value(3) = txtREALMAPCOD.Text
pFeature.Value(4) = Val(txtREALSTNO.Text)
pFeature.Value(5) = txtREALSTNAME.Text
pFeature.Value(6) = txtREALAPTNO.Text
pFeature.Value(7) = txtSUBNAME.Text
pFeature.Value(8) = txtNAMNAME.Text
pFeature.Value(9) = txtNAMADDR.Text
pFeature.Value(10) = txtNAMCITY.Text
pFeature.Value(11) = txtNAMST.Text
pFeature.Value(12) = Val(txtNAMZIP.Text)
pFeature.Value(13) = Val(txtNAMZIPEXT.Text)

pFeature.Value(17) = txtSDDISTRICT.Text

pFeature.Value(19) = txtSURVEY_NUM.Text
pFeature.Value(20) = txtGROUP_NUM.Text
pFeature.Value(21) = txtHIST_NAME.Text
pFeature.Value(22) = txtOTHER_NAME.Text
pFeature.Value(23) = Val(txtSTREET_NUM.Text)
pFeature.Value(24) = txtSTREET.Text
pFeature.Value(25) = txtOLD_ADDRES.Text
pFeature.Value(26) = txtCITY_COMM.Text
pFeature.Value(27) = txtNR_DESIG.Value
pFeature.Value(28) = txtLOCAL_DESI.Value
pFeature.Value(29) = txtUSGS_MAPNU.Value
pFeature.Value(30) = txtPVA_MAPNUM.Value
pFeature.Value(31) = txtORIG_USE.Value
pFeature.Value(32) = txtCUR_USE.Value
pFeature.Value(33) = txtDOC.Value
pFeature.Value(34) = txtSTYLE.Value
pFeature.Value(35) = txtDEMOED.Value
pFeature.Value(36) = txtNOTES.Value
End Sub