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View Full Version : Limit Table of Contents formats available in a Template

11-20-2009, 05:40 AM
Does anyone know if it is possible to limit the number of Table of Contents formats available from a template? (I'm using Wd 2003)

When one generates a Table of Contents using Insert>Reference>Index and Tables, the Dialog wdDialogInsertIndexAndTables that pops up will automatically select either "From template", or the last selection that user made, in the "Formats" dropdown of the "General" section.

In the templates I am generating, I want to be able to limit the number formats available. i.e. I do not want users using the MS formats of "Classic", "Distinctive", "Fancy", "Modern", etc, I only want them to have "From Template" available.

Is there a way I can do that?


11-21-2009, 06:37 PM
Not that I know of, if you are going through the menu.

Why not automate the process and have a "Generate Table of Contents" icon on a toolbar? User clicks that and YOUR procedure activates. Better yet, automate the whole process, say on Document_Close. User does whatever with your template, closes the document, and the ToC is automated generated at the correct location before the document is closed.

11-22-2009, 03:51 AM
Better yet, why not create the TOC with the required format as part of the template? All you need for that is the basic TOC field plus the (presumably, first) heading that the document requires - all ready to be populated by the user. No vba required.

11-23-2009, 06:03 AM
Thanks both for your input. Yes those solutions are good ones and I will implement one or the other. But the users I am working with here are a stubbon lot, and if they can "do their own thing" using the MS tools they will. Do either of you know where these MS styles are stored?

11-23-2009, 02:49 PM
Hi Fiona,

The Styles will be stored in the underlying document template. Word has a number of built-in styles that you can't delete. Something that might help, though, is to go to Tools|Templates and Addins, and check the 'automatically update document style' option. That ways, if someone changes a Style definition in the document, it will revert to the format defined in the template next time the document is opened.