View Full Version : Access to Access 2007

12-01-2009, 10:19 AM
We have Access 2007 on an office PC. We have a Sales Database, that all of our salesman used to access on this computer. They all had Access 2000. We all got Office 2007 (WITHOUT ACCESS). Do I have to purchase Access on the other computers to be able to access this data, or is there a way to add and/or access this database? Maybe even by internet access?

Keep in mind I am the IT department, I am very, very green when it comes to this stuff, so if there is no simple solution, just lay it on me easy... LOL:bug:
Thank You for your help in advance.

12-01-2009, 12:42 PM
Maybe this might help...

There is a download from Microsoft, Access 2007 runtime. Which allows an Access 2007 database to run on a pc without Access 2007 installed. The database will have to be converted to Access 2007 format first though.


12-01-2009, 12:52 PM
The database will have to be converted to Access 2007 format first though.

Not sure but I think you are saying that I need to change it from an .mdb file?

So no one could access the file from a Office Access 2000 machine, is that right?

This stuff is way over my head, sorry if i seem ignorant.

12-01-2009, 12:52 PM
Or maybe '2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components':

There's probably more other ways to acheive what you want.

What extension does the database have?. .mdb .mde. .accdb?

12-01-2009, 01:22 PM
It has an .mdb extension.

12-02-2009, 08:53 AM
When you download the Data Connectivity Components it will allow you to use ACE connection strings to connect to the 2007 backend via your 2000 version .mdb's.


12-02-2009, 09:04 AM
Wow! As I said before, this is way over my head!! Not sure what I need to do?

Also, on the 2nd part of my questions, is there a way to access over the internet? I know 2007 is suppose to be accessible over the internet, but i know 2000 is not??

12-02-2009, 09:33 AM
Wow! As I said before, this is way over my head!! Not sure what I need to do?

You need to learn about Access Data Objects (ADO) connections. It's a broad field and there are a lot of great resources on the net, so I'm not going to try to reproduce them. You'll also need to bookmark this site: http://www.connectionstrings.com- you'll need it so you can find connection strings.

Also, on the 2nd part of my questions, is there a way to access over the internet? I know 2007 is suppose to be accessible over the internet, but i know 2000 is not??

Easiest way is Data Access Pages, but you can also access records in Access via asp.NET- again, plenty of resources on line... I also don't work with this, so I don't have specifics.
