View Full Version : Solved: Department reports

12-03-2009, 08:07 AM

I am trying to create some management reports where the data is by account manager and each manager is in a department.

My report needs to have the department totals (i.e. sales, costs, overheads, profit on line under the other) at the top of the report and then underneath the individuals in the department and the same information for each of them.

I am wondering what the easiest way to do this is.

I know you can add some totals in report footers but this really wouldnt be what I need.

Should I have two queries, one grouping the information by department and then create a report with two data sources and put the department query fields in the header and the individuals in the detail section.

Am I overcomplicating the issue?!?!?!


12-03-2009, 09:47 AM
Phil, In the Report you can Group and Sort by more than one item, so you could group by Department and by manager. You can also have sub total for each group.

If you can't get it work that way due to too much complication you can have a main Query/Report and secondary query/Subreports for each main Query/report item.