View Full Version : Taking links from a site direct to a textbox

12-22-2009, 03:41 PM
Hello All,

I create a Excel userform that

1) Open a site with the address entered in a TextoBox in a mini-browser - itīs OK

2) Copy the entire content from the visited site to a Excel Sheet - itīs also OK

3) concentring only the Links from visited site in a second page, and than clear the “master” worksheet - itīs also OK.

I would replace the second and third macros to can capturing the links of the visited site direct to a Textbox (TBLinks) without needing “pull” the site data to worksheets. Itīs possible?.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance, and sorry my poor english

12-23-2009, 03:37 PM
Can you post a sample of what you've done so far?