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View Full Version : Solved: Need help error trapping / event / alert trapping??

01-12-2010, 09:38 AM
I use a procedure to construct links to other workbooks. The workbook has ~600 links, so i use the code to update groups at a time. Often when trying to update the link, i recieve an xl dialogue box "Update Values" wanting me to locate the file myself. With the code below, i ALWAYS hit Cancel, and it continues with the next link. If I use the built in Edit Links Update method, hitting cancel stalls the updating of links, until i restart. I have tried to trap that event as an error w/ an on error resume next - FAIL, I also have Application.displayalerts = false before the code is run = FAIL. I would like some suggestions on how to handle that diaologue box automatically. Always selecting CANCEL. So the code will continue.

I have attached a workbook w/ code available in a text box.

First sub listed is My loop to construct the links. The second sub is a sample of how i call the loop...(points to first cell in a given group).

You guys have helped me tremendously in the past, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


01-12-2010, 09:39 AM
sorry, it won't let me post the VBA sample using the tags. went back and attached workbook w/ code in text box

01-14-2010, 06:31 PM
I feel sheepish. I was able to get rid of the event by using enableevents= false. not sure why i didn't think of that earlier.