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View Full Version : Data format changes after sending email

01-13-2010, 07:21 AM
Dear VBA users i have a seemingly easy question concerning a format change in Excel.

My colleague created a sheet with the following format for the date: 13.01.2010
When she sends it to her colleagues in another country this format changes into: 13/01/2010.

It is apparently very important that the date remains in the same format. How can this be fixed and what could be the cause??

kind regards and thanks for the help


01-13-2010, 07:17 PM

you can fix the format using User-defined format such as dd"."mm"."yyyy

if you use this in VBA, use like this:

CELLRANGE.NumberFormat = "dd"".""mm"".""yyyy"

CELLRANGE means Range object or Selection object.