View Full Version : Setting Option on the Find and Replace Dialog Box...

01-13-2010, 07:26 AM

This is slight annoyance, but one that usually costs me a little time when using Access in our conference registration process, so I figure i would ask if I can change it.

Here is the situation...I have Form where I placed a "Find Record" button. On the event I am running a "DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind" to pop up a Find Dialog. I would like to be able to set the "Look In" field to "Whole Document" and the "Match" field to "Any Part of Field" by default. Is there a way to do this through code, or is there just a program option that I am missing?

Thanks in advance,


01-13-2010, 11:10 AM
John, you could try the FindRecord method instead.
From the Help
expression.FindRecord(FindWhat, Match, MatchCase, Search, SearchAsFormatted, OnlyCurrentField, FindFirst)