View Full Version : Visio Search

01-24-2010, 08:24 PM
Hello All,

I am trying to open a Visio document via an Access form > this is the easy part.
I would like to be able to link to objects on the Visio diagram, depending on the form that is being viewed.

Is it possible to search the Visio Diagram using the text in the objects? How would I go about this in VBA?



03-26-2010, 12:40 PM
Okay, basically what I do, is open the Visio document and do a loop through all the shapes to find where the selected text (via access form) is and format accordingly.

Private Sub ReferVisio_Click()
Dim appVisio As Visio.Application
Dim cbo As Access.ComboBox
Dim vsoCharacters1 As Visio.Characters
Dim docs As Visio.Documents
Dim doc As Visio.Document
Dim vsoShape1 As Visio.Shape
Dim path As String
Dim vsoToolbars As Visio.Toolbars
Dim vsoToolbar As Visio.Toolbar

'path to sharepoint
path = "filepath"

'Open Visio
Set appVisio = GetObject("", "Visio.Application")

'Open file via sharepoint

Set docs = appVisio.Documents
docs.Add path
Set doc = appVisio.ActiveDocument

'Defined counter to search shapes in the diagram
Dim x As Long
x = 1
Do While x < 300
x = x + 1

On Error Resume Next
'Sets vsoCharacters1 to shape text
Set vsoCharacters1 = appVisio.ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(x).Characters
Set vsoShape1 = appVisio.ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(x)
'Searches shapes on page via count
If vsoCharacters1 = attributeName Then
vsoShape1.LineStyle = "Highlight"
Exit Do
End If
'Loops through page shapes until Sub Capability is found within shape text
Loop Until vsoCharacters1 <> attributeName

'Formats the page view
appVisio.Settings.ShowShapeSearchPane = False
appVisio.ActiveWindow.ViewFit = visFitPage
appVisio.ActiveWindow.Windows.ItemFromID(visWinIDPanZoom).Visible = True
appVisio.ShowToolbar = False
appVisio.Visible = True
End Sub