View Full Version : VBA code for hyperlink

01-26-2010, 08:09 AM
Is there a method whereby I can exit one ppt presentation, open another and set the macro enable all at one time?

Im using actionx buttons to advance (Next) and back up (Back) instead of using the built in click-advance. The last slide in ppt1 also has a Next button. The coding for the button contains an If...Then statement to go to one of two places. One is to gotoslide (). The other should be the first slide of ppt2. I would use a hyperlink, but I don't know how to code it. (It has to be coded for the If...Then statement) What is the code for hyperlink?

Additionally, is there a way to code for a presentation that starts with the macros enabled?


01-26-2010, 10:00 AM
Additionally, is there a way to code for a presentation that starts with the macros enabled?

Nope. Macros are enabled/disabled based on your security settings, and the ability to change those settings via code would pretty much defeat the purpose of having security settings in the first place.

Unless you meant 'can a macro be set to automatically run when the presentation is opened', and the answer to that is mostly no; I believe there is a way to get it to run a macro in 2007, but not directly.

01-27-2010, 06:54 AM
Thanx, Cosmo. The ability to set the Macros default to enable is not too critical. However I still need a code snippet to hyperlink to another another presentation. Any ideas?