View Full Version : Opening Excel 2007 from Word 2007

01-30-2010, 12:58 AM
I have written a procedure in word 2003 which opens an excel 2003 spreadsheet and posts designated cells to bookmarks in the word document. It then closes the excel spreadsheet. I need to upgrade this to a word 2007 document and excel 2007 spreadsheet. I am struggling

01-30-2010, 03:06 AM
What code have you got that works in 2003 but doesn't work in 2007?

01-31-2010, 03:24 AM
Hi normanf,

If it's always the same Excel cells, you don't need bookmarks or vba - simply copy the source data in Excel. Then, in Word, use Edit|Paste Special, choose the 'paste link' option and the data format you require. From then on, if you have Word's 'update automatic links at open' option set, the Word values will update upon opening (or whenever you choose to update the links - eg by setting the 'update linked data before printing' option) any time the Excel data change.