View Full Version : Backend out on the internet

02-10-2010, 03:10 PM
I need a way for 2 people to connect to an Access database back end over the internet.

Is there a way to "host" a file on a website of some sort and be able to "connect" to it from the Access front end?

Without setting up a VPN.

02-18-2010, 12:56 PM
If you use Access 2003, then you can create pages that serve as HTML that can be veiwed over the internet if you have a site that will link to it. If you have 2007, then that feature has been delegated to SharePoint and you lose that functionality without adding sharepoint.

02-18-2010, 02:05 PM
You can also natively design webpages using ASP Classic that are hooked up to your database. If you want the specifics on how to do this, I suggest picking up the book Access (2003 or 2007): Programming By Example with VBA, XML, and ASP - It's available at Amazon and tells you exactly how to do this.

02-18-2010, 05:27 PM
Well yes.. I forgot to mention that. :cloud9: :clap: