View Full Version : veryfying wether the mail has been replied

02-18-2010, 03:44 AM

I have a team of people who are working under me. I recieve lot of emails in a day today basis. i will be cc'd in lots of email where any of my team mate will action the mail and reply to all.

I wanted to have a check wether all the mails has been replied or not.

Can anyone help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

02-27-2010, 09:55 PM
if I understand you correctly:
you receive many emails as a CC addressee
some of those emails generates an action by someone on your team
when that action is resolved, you receive a reply
you wish to monitor these emails and know at some point in time which have been resolved and which have not.Is this correct? If so,
how do you separate the emails that your team will address vs other emails on which you have been CCed? Is there a list of team member email addresses that could be used to flag the emails of concern?
assume you receive an email with Subject = ABCDEF. Is it enough to see an email later from someone on your team with Subject RE: ABCDEF for you to conclude that the necessary action has been accomplished? If not, what is the criteria?
How do you handle multiple emails with the same Subject?
have you considered using Outlook Rules?

03-11-2010, 03:23 AM
As you said 2nd point will work for me. If a reply has been with the same subject that will be fine

Can you help me with this

03-11-2010, 07:31 AM
As you said 2nd point will work for me. If a reply has been with the same subject that will be fine

Can you help me with thisYes, I can probably help you with this. However, I do not want to spend time on this only to discover that the problem I am solving is not the problem you wish to solve. Please answer all the questions asked in my first reply plus two others:
I assume you are running Outlook, please confirm.
It sounds like this is a problem "at work". I assume that you are using a computer and software under the watchful eye of an IT department (and its rules). Are you allowed to run VBA macros from "outside sources". Some IT departments lock down macro security on all standard systems

08-19-2010, 04:17 AM

Apologies for replying very late.
I am running Outlook 2003
We can run VBA macros, there is no problem with that.
