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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Any Extra Execution Time?

05-03-2005, 08:43 PM
Is there any significant cost in execution time (or anything else) to Call a small procedure (say, 10 lines) rather than imbed the called code in-line in the main procedure?
Does the compilation pre-find the location of the called procedure, or does that have to be done at runtime?
Is it any more expensive to Call a procedure in Personal.xls than it is to call the same procedure located in the same workbook? I've wondered about that. :doh:

05-03-2005, 09:19 PM
Hi Cyber,

Offhand - dunno. Why don't you time it? :devil: (you'll need to run a few times and average out the results)

Option Explicit

Sub TimeIt()
Dim StartTime#, FinishTime#, N&
StartTime = Timer
'put your own code below (example given)
For N = 1 To 100
[A1] = N
FinishTime = Timer
MsgBox "Total Time = " & FinishTime - StartTime
End Sub

Pre-finding depends on whether you have Background Compile checked or not (if it's checked it may only be 'found' during run-time)...For a bit more about this, check this (http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/articles.php?action=viewarticle&artid=38) out

John :thumb

05-04-2005, 11:01 AM
Thanx for the suggestion, John. The only reason I haven't done a test is that I'm not sure I could do a valid one that excludes other factors (unknown to me) that might skew the results. Maybe I'll try it anyway. I was hoping that the answers were widely known by the experts. I know that John Walkenbach has run some timing tests on other things and reported on them in his books, but this topic wasn't covered. Just thought I'd ask. Thanx again. :friends:

Bob Phillips
05-04-2005, 11:30 AM
The only reason I haven't done a test is that I'm not sure I could do a valid one that excludes other factors (unknown to me) that might skew the results.

That is why you would repeat the test, in both situations, a set number of times, and average the results out. It doesn't remove the other factors, but it does smooth it somewhat.

If you want a hi-res timer, Karl Peterson does a beaut at http://vb.mvps.org/tools/ccrpTmr/

Ken Puls
05-04-2005, 11:51 AM

One thing to watch out for when you're timing code is messageboxes and inputboxes. Anything that ask the user for an input CAN significantly skew the results.

Whenever I time a proc, I always comment msgbox and inputbox areas, and put in some code to set any required variables to eliminate this problem.