View Full Version : Finds row count, but only 99% of the time

02-22-2010, 07:42 PM

I have several "tables" (data worksheets) which change in size (usually growing in length). So I found some code which would find the last row number, thus telling me how many rows were in the worksheet. This count was often used as a counter in a For/Next loop.

This code works about 99% of the time. I have no clue why it occasionally fails. I have included a workbook with the code and a dummy routine to demonstrate its use. When it is wrong, it seems it's always returning the row count + 1.

Any ideas?

Public Function GetLastRowWithData(ws As Worksheet) As Long
' Function calculates last row with data
' From: See wb for code attribution...
Dim row As Long
Dim ExcelLastCell As Range

Set ExcelLastCell = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell) ' rqrd for either

row = ExcelLastCell.row

Do While Application.CountA(ws.Rows(row)) = 0 And row <> 1
row = row - 1

GetLastRowWithData = row ' Row number

End Function

You normally invoke like this:
Sub CountRows

Dim ws1 as Worksheet
Dim rowCt as Long

Set ws1 = Sheets("Sheet1")
rowCt = GetLastRowWithData(ws1)
MsgBox rowCt
Set ws1 = Nothing

End Sub

Please note that the code works for this case. I wish I could figure out how to make it fail! Maybe then I could prevent the failure.

The usual failure is the rowcount returned is the actual count + 1.

I can get around this problem by editing the worksheet, and deleting rows after the last data row. I have no idea why this works. Since the failures are random, many other things are effected.

Thanks for looking.

02-22-2010, 09:12 PM
You could use the following to find the last row/column/cell.

Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = Cells.Find(What:="*", LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
MsgBox lastCell.Address

02-25-2010, 07:03 AM
Thanks for the reply.

When I found this code (circa 2007), I had about 4 versions, none of which I understood. All of them had problems, i.e. I found situations where the code wouldn't work. The displayed routine was simply the best. I was really hoping to figure out what I could do to make it "always" work.

02-25-2010, 07:37 AM
The code I posted "will always work". It will always find the last row with a formula (or typed data) in it. If you want to find the last row with data showing - for example you have row after row of a formula returning an empty string - like =IF(A100="","","something"), change the LookIn:= from xlFormulas to xlValues.