View Full Version : Dynamically Specifying Series and X/Y Values of a Chart

03-31-2010, 01:00 AM
So.. I have a little Access database with a button to generate Excel workbook with a chart.

Basically I open Excel, copy records from a query to a sheet called "Data" and add a Chart

The format for records in "Data" is as follows:

Column A, A1 always SampleDate (column name), A2 onwards - list of dates... these will always be XValues for all series.

Column B, B1 always column name and Name of 1st Series; B2 onwards - list of values always YValues for 1st series...

Now there might be Column C, Column D and Column E... all of them the same format as Column B (i.e. first cell - name of the series, 2 and down YValues for that series)...

No the following code seems to work, and it sets series correctly but I have problems setting .Values and .XValues

Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wBook As Workbook
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Long
Dim rngDataSource As Range
Dim iDataRowsCt As Long
Dim iDataColsCt As Integer
Dim iSrsIx As Integer
Dim srsNew As Series
'Open Excel
Set appExcel = New Excel.Application
appExcel.Visible = True
Set wBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
With wBook
.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Data"
'Copy Records from qryDataExport_Crosstab to Sheet "Data"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryDataExport_Crosstab")
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
.Sheets("Data").Cells(1, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields(i).Name
Next i
.Sheets("Data").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs
Set rs = Nothing
Set rngDataSource = wBook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange
With rngDataSource
iDataRowsCt = .Rows.Count
iDataColsCt = .Columns.Count
End With

'Delete Sheets
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Setup Chart
.ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
.ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name:="Graph"
.Application.ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
End With
With wBook.ActiveChart

Do Until .SeriesCollection.Count = 0

For iSrsIx = 1 To iDataColsCt - 1 Step 1

'' Add each series
Set srsNew = .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
With srsNew
.Name = rngDataSource.Cells(1, iSrsIx + 1)
.Values = rngDataSource.Cells(iDataRowsCt, iSrsIx + 1)
.XValues = rngDataSource.Cells(iDataRowsCt, 1)
End With

End With

I keep on getting Run-time error '1004'; Unable to set XValues property of the Series class.

Also how can you make sure that instead of Excel scale for X and Y, it will just use the exact values from the source range?

I attached Access db just in case, you'll need to complere selection on the Main Form, click Search which will enable Send to Excel button... this button will create Excel sheet and run through the code as above..

04-08-2010, 04:46 AM
I had a problem with the line (on my XL2003/Access 2003 setup here):
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryDataExport_Crosstab")
which reported:

Error 430
Class does not support Automation... so I tweaked your code to make it work for me according to suggestions at the bottom of this page (http://www.experts-exchange.com/Microsoft/Development/MS_Access/Q_23194773.html) (Accepted Solution), which means it's no longer very similar to yours, however, the important bit is lower down, assigning XValues and Values.
This worked here (there are added comments):
Private Sub cmdSendExcel_Click()
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM qryDataExport_Crosstab", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If Not rs.EOF Then rs.MoveLast: rs.MoveFirst

Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wBook As Workbook
' Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Long
'Open Excel
Set appExcel = New Excel.Application
appExcel.Visible = True
Set wBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
With wBook
.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Data"
'Copy Records from qryDataExport_Crosstab to Sheet "Data"
' Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryDataExport_Crosstab")
' rs.MoveLast
' rs.MoveFirst
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
.Sheets("Data").Cells(1, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields(i).Name
Next i
.Sheets("Data").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs

'Delete Sheets
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Setup Chart
.ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatter
.ActiveChart.Location WHERE:=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name:="Graph"
.Application.ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
'.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries'it seemed already to have one.
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = .Sheets("Data").Range("$A$2").Resize(rs.RecordCount)
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = .Sheets("Data").Range("$B$2").Resize(rs.RecordCount) 'amended YValues to Values
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = .Sheets("Data").Range("$B$1")

End With
Set rs = Nothing 'this line moved down because I needed to use rs.RecordCount
'Set appExcel = Nothing
End Sub

This seems to relate to Interesting Issue With Labeling Data Points (http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31304), did my response there help?