View Full Version : Rearrangement of Code & Immediate Windows!

04-13-2010, 10:41 PM
Hi Everybody

Something is gone wrong in my layout of the VB editor in Excel 2007.

In the earlier versions of Excel, the immediate window always appeared at the bottom of the VBE (if your pressed Ctrl + G). Depending upon how high you make it, the code window's height would correspondingly change. In other words, the bottom of the code window would always be above the immediate window and the immediate window would never cover up any part of the code window.

In Excel 2007 however, it appears that the immediate window is independently floatable - or so has happened in my VB environment. As a result, the immediate window overlaps the code window.

Is there a way to fix this where I can have my immediate window is immediately below the code window even when the VBE is maximised.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Deepak Agarwal

04-13-2010, 11:47 PM
Hi Deepak,

The newest version I have access to is excel 2003, so not exactly sure where it's at in 2007 - but look for Tools | Options, and see if there is a Developer tab. It sounds as though the Immediate window has become un-docked.

Hope that helps,
