View Full Version : restart presentation

04-14-2010, 02:06 AM
Hi all

Im doing a ppt which has some animations. Slide 1 has a hyperlink to slide 2 (which then in turn have some animations). in slide 2 there is a hyperlink to slide 1, but if i use this, and followingly the link on slide 1 to 2 the animations on slide 2 doesnt play (i dont know why?!)

therefore is it possible to put a piece of code on slide 2, that restarts the presentation?!

It should be mentioned that slide 2 is hidden in presentation mode and only activated using the link.

John Wilson
04-15-2010, 07:36 AM
Place a blank slide before slide2 and give it an auto transition of zero seconds. Make the link to THIS slide not slide 2.