View Full Version : Access and Excel- Multiple worksheets

04-21-2010, 12:14 PM
I am a novice VBA user and I am having problems so I thought I would come to the forums.

I have an excel sheet with 12 worksheets (1 for each month) each sheet is identical in format to one another, only the data entered into the cells each month changes.
I want to take specific data from specific cells and load it into multiple access tables.
as in a table for Jan,feb,march..ect

currently I have my code working so I can pull data from the first sheet, into the table I created, but I do not know how to gather the same data from the other worksheets and distribute it to the appropriate tables in access.

This is the working part i have now. Can someone Please help ?
'Sub to open an Excel Spreadsheet

Public xl As New Excel.Application
Public xlw As Excel.Workbook
Public Sub OpenXLS(fName As String)
Set xlw = xl.Workbooks.Open(fName)
End Sub

Sub JamesSub()

Dim J As Integer
Dim DayNum As Single
Dim Hour As Single
Dim RawRead As Single
Dim Rawm3 As Single
Dim RawPRO As Single
Dim LvLON As Single
Dim LvLOFF As Single
Dim Dipped As Single
Dim PumpRead As Single
Dim PumpHrs As Single

OpenXLS ("C:\MW Monitoring ACCESS FORM\Code test\Sunderland.xls")

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
For J = 10 To 40

DayNum = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "a")
Hour = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "b")
RawRead = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "c")
Rawm3 = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "d")
RawPRO = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "e")
LvLON = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "h")
LvLOFF = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "i")
Dipped = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "j")
PumpRead = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "l")
PumpHrs = xlw.Application.Cells(J, "m")

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO SunderlandJan (DayNum,Hour,RawRead,Rawm3,RawPRO,LvLON,LvLOFF,Dipped,PumpRead,PumpHrs) SELECT " & DayNum & "," & Hour & "," & RawRead & "," & Rawm3 & "," & RawPRO & "," & LvLON & "," & LvLOFF & "," & Dipped & "," & PumpRead & "," & PumpHrs & ""

Next J
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

MsgBox "Complete!"
End Sub

04-22-2010, 04:16 AM
Can I ask why you are duplicating the Excel format in Access, rather than taking advantage of Access's capabililties to extract the data from one table?
Also it would be easier to do this from Access by importing the Worksheet using the TransferSpreadsheet method.

04-22-2010, 06:07 AM
I am not duplicating the Excel format, I am only picking specific cells. I am doing this because the outside guys in my company record many values that we (the inside guys) do not need.
I do not know what transferspreadsheet is. I will look into it

04-22-2010, 06:36 AM
But you said Multiple Tables Jan,feb,march..etc
You only need one table with a Month or Year & Month Field.
I can provide you with an Excel Import Routine if you need it.