View Full Version : Solved: Compact Error

04-27-2010, 05:00 AM
I have been put in charge of several Access'97 databases. I have never worked with Access'97 to this level. From my previous databasse background, I know that it is important to repair and compact databases. I do this nightly. I got the following error and I am not sure of its importance or how to resolove it. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

"Record(s) can't be read; no read permission on 'G:\...OutboundCall.mdb'

The G: drive is a network drive. What is confussing me is that there is no .ldb (lock file) present. The repair works fine. The compact fails with ther above error and leaves an intermediate file labelled "db1.mdb' on the drive.

Should I rename and use the intermediate file (db1.mdb)? Or just ignore the issue and it will clear whatever locks it is seeing over the network?

The database seems to work fine. I need guidance!


04-27-2010, 06:55 AM
Make sure you have proper read/write security permissions on the network folder where the database is located. This might be a network issue. It sounds like you might have write permissions (the intermediate db1.mdb is being created), but not the permissions that allow you to delete and rename files (after compact the original database is deleted and the intermediate db1.mdb is renamed to the original)

04-27-2010, 07:13 AM
c_smithwick, Thanks for responding. I understand what you are saying. This is a task I have been doing for months now. Unless I lost my network permissions and I am going to check that.

I copied the database to my local C: drive and I get the same error. What is baffling me is that there is no lock file present (.ldb) and yet I am being told records cannot be read.

If this is a corruption error caused by some network failure how do I fix the database?


04-27-2010, 08:14 AM
Are you compacting the database manually or through a routine? If a routine, then compact it manually and see if that fixes the problem.

If you cannot compact and repair manually, then there's a problem with the backend DB. The easiest solution would be to crate a new, blank database and import all of the files from the old, broken DB, then use it as your new backend. You can rename it to the same as the old DB.

04-27-2010, 09:06 AM
CreganTur, I have done it both ways and all fail. I have downloaded the Jet compact utility and going to try it next. But, since the Access compact goes so far and then fails, and leaves the work file, I am thinking I have truely internal corruption of the data.

04-27-2010, 10:21 AM
By using the Jet Compact Utility, I got the database fixed. The Jet utility also failed to compact, but the Jet utility creates an error table which tells you which table and record is causing the error. I deleted the bad record and the database compacted. I then re-entered the bad record so that the data would not be lost.

I want to thank all of you who contribute to this forum. I come here and research a question or problem and learn so much.
