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View Full Version : Delete a worksheet without losing Formula reference

04-29-2010, 08:52 PM

I need to replace a sheet in an existing workbook with a newer version of the worksheet transfered from a different workbook but i'm losing formula references. Eg: From Summary!A40 to #Ref!A40

The worksheet - "Summary" is referenced in alot of formulas on other sheets within the workbook. When i delete the existing sheet "Summary" to replace with the new sheet "Summary" (so i can keep a constant formula reference) it's not working.


Delete "Summary" worksheet from February in workbook A
Copy & Replace with new "Summary" worksheet for March period from Workbook B into workbook A
Existing formulas in workbook A to remain with reference to Summary! tab

Is this possible.


Bob Phillips
04-30-2010, 12:38 AM
Instead of deleting it, why not copy the data from the new version of Summary over the top?