View Full Version : Modifying text dynamically

05-03-2010, 09:12 AM
We often create large powerpoint presentations, and we use vba macros to jump between slides. The slide number is stored in the Alternative Text field for a block of text. People have a habit of adding/removing slides from a presentation, but they don't want to modify Alternative Text when this happens (it happens frequently, and would require a change to all slides with links). Is it possible to have this number be modified when a slide if added/removed?

For example, on slide 2 there might be a block of text with an Alternative Text value of 7. When the macro is triggered, but presentation jumps to slide 7. However, when a slide is added in position 4, the 7th slide is now the 8th slide. They want the Alternative Text in that block of text to be updated to read 8. Something similar should happen if a slide is removed. Does this make any sense?

John Wilson
05-04-2010, 01:08 AM
Makes sense but why use vba?

If you use internal hyperlinks they will update when slides are removed or added.

If you have a good reason to use vba you will need to use the SlideID property which does not depend on the Slide Index