View Full Version : DTPicker control gets locked automatically on tab control

05-18-2010, 02:56 PM

I am using MS Access 2003 with Visual Basic 6.5. I have a Tabbed control on a form. On one page of the form I have a Date Time picker control (DTPicker) configured to show time in 24-hour format (HH:mm). Now when I switch from one tab to another the format of the DtPicker control changes from the "HH:mm" format to the "mm/dd/yyyy" format. I couldn't find why this was happening but to counter this I added the following logic in the "TabCtl12_Change" event handler which is called every time I switch from one tab to another:

Me.Sign_In_HourIn2.CustomFormat = Format(Me.Sign_In_HourIn2.Value, "HH:mm")

Now, by doing this the proper value is shown in the proper format, but the control is locked somehow and I can't change the time value again. I have tried doing the following:

Me.Sign_In_HourIn1.Locked = False
Me.Sign_In_HourIn1.Enabled = True

But this doesn't help.

Does anybody have any suggestion as to what should be done here? Is there any other control that can be used instead of DTPicker.


05-22-2010, 05:27 AM
prashs, welcome to the forum.
It sounds like you have a conflict between the Tabs and the DTPicker, is the picker on the Mainform or one or more tabs?

05-22-2010, 06:14 AM
Thanks for the reply! The DtPicker is on one of the Tabs. What do you mean by "conflict"?

05-22-2010, 06:57 AM
Well, the fact that something changes the DTPicker when you move Tabs suggests that something on the other Tab is interfering with it.
Can you post a zipped copy of the database less any personal data for me to look at?