View Full Version : reading xml string in reverse and pass as a parameter

06-01-2010, 07:51 AM
I’m new to vba having come from Adobe Director/Lingo, I just need to check if i’m on a plan to fail. Is it achievable / doable to load an. xml file. I can format the XML in anyway required but the main context would be a list/string of slideindex’s with some sort of delimiter ie :238:245:247:345:etc:etc Could vba read the these in reverse and pass that as a some form of command to then go to that slideindex? So, vba loads the XML and on first release it goes to the last slideindex in the sting and then reads the next, on release again to then goes to the 2nd but last slideindex in the string and so on. If this is doable could anyone steer me to starting tutorial please.