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View Full Version : Oorang: A query about your GUID program

06-30-2010, 08:30 PM

I borrowed your code from your kb article: Create a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). I'm using it in a vba macro that reads through a file and assigns a GUID to any record in the file that doesn't have one.

I noticed that your code produces GUIDS that are capitalized; is there a way (short of resorting to regular expressions) to get the GUID in lower case?


Bob Phillips
06-30-2010, 11:56 PM
Why notjust

Public Function GetGUID() As String
GetGUID = LCase(Mid$(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").GUID, 2, 36))
End Function

07-01-2010, 08:35 AM

Yes, why not.

(I'll just die of embarrassment, now, and not blame the late hour and my brain having shut down for the night, etc.)
