View Full Version : Create Link to Excel

07-08-2010, 10:09 PM
Is it possible to create a link to an Excel range or chart in a power point, without the regular pasting of link from Excel?

I have successfully updated links in a powerpoint presentation, but I was hoping to create a macro that would allow a user to insert various charts or ranges from Excel into any slide a user wants.

Please let me know if any other information would be helpful.

08-28-2010, 09:54 PM
My experience with this sort of thing is that the manual copy/paste is the most efficient method for general situations. For specific cases done often, macros are the better choice, but for the general case, I am not so sure. One could create a macro to do exactly what you want, but I suspect that the number of questions and other user interaction issues would be just a great as the standard approach. For example, the user would have to:
identify the target slide and location in PP
identify the target Excel file
identify the target worksheet in the file
identify the range in the worksheet or the specific chartHowever, if you want a VBA procedure that would interact with the user one time and create a process that would then work repeatedly in the future, that is a much more interesting problem. I am pretty confident that one could use custom file properties to store the targets and then have a 2nd procedure (or a different portion of the orig procedure) read those properties whenever requested and update the slide or slides. I have done quite a few applications that use custom file properties to store significant amounts of information