View Full Version : Query which accept date from the form and search into the table?

07-14-2010, 05:35 AM
how to write a query which accept date from the form and based on that date display the result.
In a form I am selecting a date value through calander.I am working on access 2003 and vba.


07-14-2010, 07:29 AM
Sounds like you want a parameter query.

Set parameter xDate Date/Time;
Select * From Table1 Where Date = [xDate]

Or if you are trying to get the date from existing data

Select * From Table1 Where Date = Forms![frmName].dateField

07-14-2010, 09:38 PM
I dont know about the parameter query.But problem is like that.
Lut US take example...I am pike up the date from calander and there is condition if date is "<" it will display only the record which is less then the selected date.Like that i have all the condition(<,>,=,<=,>=).
I need to write the query for that but i dont have any idea.
Please help me solve this.


07-14-2010, 09:53 PM
Perhaps you could do it on the After_update sub for the date field. So when you click the calendar you get the date entered in the field. This fires the after_update event.


set the filter to Filter = Date < DateField
Then turn the filter on.

07-14-2010, 10:18 PM
Sorry no idea about what u said.can you please tell me the steps how to do that .what query I should write in vba editor .
one more thing is that i have a dropdown from that we are accepting a value either "<","<=","=" etc how to set one conditional operator is default in that dropdown box.

thanks for your help....

07-15-2010, 08:33 AM
So imagine you have a sample form that follows the format below;

----------------------------TITLE OF FORM--------------------------
lblID txtID lblCompanyAddedOn dteIN

lblCompany txtCompanyName lblCriteriaFilter txtDateFilter


Right click on the field that you have set to be the filter or criteria (in this example txtDateFilter).
Click on the Event Tab and click the [...] button on the row that says, "After Update", select Code. You will be brought to the VBE. There enter the following code.

(based on the example I drew up)

Private Sub txtDateFilter_AfterUpdate()
Me.Filter = "dteIn < " & txtDateFilter
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

That should do it.