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View Full Version : manage datas from a multilection rows

07-14-2010, 01:08 PM
hi all
i have a problem. I hope you could help me. I want to manage datas from a worksheet. I select different rows from a sheet and then I need to manage several columns of each rown filling an array with these selected cells. I`ll manage these datas calculating several formulas.
It works perfect if the selected rows are continous but if I select them randomize p.e, row 1, and ro 3, and rows 9 to 20,..., all at the same time, I can`t manage them. Any help will be welcome. Cheers!!

Bob Phillips
07-15-2010, 12:30 AM
I think we will only get somewhere if you show us a workbook with the data and the code.

07-15-2010, 12:55 AM
hi all
I attached an example. thanks a lot for your help

Bob Phillips
07-15-2010, 02:13 AM
What is this code doing?

What am I supposed to do to run and see a) a good run, and b) a failed run?

07-15-2010, 05:59 AM
Sorry, I`ll try to explain what does it work.
On Sheet1 I selected several rows, p.e, row1, row2 and row5to7, then I fill an array with this datas and copy some of the slected columns of each row to sheet2. In my real work sheet1 have nearly 15 columns , and I need to fill 3 more sheets with these data (clalculating several formulas in each sheet.
I have done it with one selected row, or a range of continuos rows, but if I try to select different rows, not continious,I could only copy the first one.
I have tried to have a look on selction.areas but it fail when I filled the array with 2nd, 3rd,.... areas. it only works with the first area. How can I manage an array with different areas?
thanks a lot for you help

07-15-2010, 06:09 AM
hi again
after select 1,2, or several rows, please run macro1. it fill an array and I copy several of this selected columns to sheet2, as you can see, if you select on or several continous rows works fin, but if you tried to selected at the several time some not conitiuos rows only copy the first selection.
thanks again