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View Full Version : Macro to return picture in a cell?

07-15-2010, 06:24 PM
I have a formula in 1 cell:
=IF(K7="Please Change Search Option","!","")

Which returns "!" if cell K7 ="Please Change Search Option"

But I want to return a picture instead of "!"

Is there a way using VBA to do this? I was told it's not possible to just create cell formula to do this.


07-15-2010, 08:50 PM
You could insert a picture via code, although you would need to think about how to trigger it, the increase in the file size depending on the number of pictures, and it would probably be slower to refresh the screen.

An alternative might be to use a symbol character, which can just be part of your formula. For example, a + sign with the font set to Webdings gives a little lightening bolt. In your formula you would replace "!" with "+", and change the font.