View Full Version : Use of Ajax in an inputbox?

07-21-2010, 07:28 AM
I have a list of customers that contains 65,000 rows with 24 columns of information that I'm matching against another record of customers with 1,100 rows and 26 columns that came from a different database. I have code that automatically finds matches based on a social-security number, however; I need to now manually find items that don't have a direct social security match (ie, street address, zip, storeName, etc)

The names and address hardly ever match because they don't have the same column headings, and there were different input standards used; ie. 100 W 900 N in one could be typed 100 west 900 North, or 100 we 900 no, or even 100 n. 900 w.

Now to the question: Is there a way to implement a form of Ajax that will pull up potential matches automatically when I start typing information? (like it works on google)

Just wondering if it's even possible, and if it is, where could I find an example of this using VBA? Thanks!

07-21-2010, 07:43 AM
As a side note, all my data is in Excel. I dont' need any access to internet sources or other excel files, it is all self contained.

07-21-2010, 06:43 PM
Are you referrng to "autocomplete" of an entry

07-27-2010, 08:51 AM
If by auto-complete you mean the following then yes:

I have a database of employees with names Alex, Adam, Andrew, Jake, John, Jennifer, Jack
If I type 'A' in a text box then 'Alex, Adam, Andrew' will automatically show.
If I type 'Ja' then 'Jake, Jack' will automatically show.

Does that make sense?

slamet Harto
07-27-2010, 09:29 PM
in my opinion
a textbox can be accepted one line only. (one phrase/word).
So it can't be autopopulate like a listbox or combobox.