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View Full Version : Find and Replace Dynamic values

07-28-2010, 06:22 AM

Hope some one can help me. I have also attached the sample workbook.

I have got no. of data with multiple values in a one column (Industries) but i would like to set up a macro to find specific text value.
If excel find sepecific text vaule then create a new column(first instance only) and start replacing the vaule with unique text vaule (Replacement values will be fix by user.) and it will loop until end of last row.

Thanks in advance!

Bob Phillips
07-28-2010, 06:44 AM
Your explanation makes no sense.

07-28-2010, 07:08 AM
sorry please ignor my preious attachement.

Updated Version attached.

On the attachment, I have got a column "Industry" and "Industry_stand".
If "Industry" column Contains Values "Computer" then
update the vaule to "Computer Service" on "Industry_stand" column.
Hope this will make sense.