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View Full Version : Weird problem: Quick Access Toolbar with scripts can't be saved on local hard drive

08-10-2010, 12:54 PM
I'm using Excel 2007, and I have a worksheet with a some scripts. I put those scripts as buttons in the Quick Access Toolbar for that document. As long as the file was located on a network folder everything was fine, but I recently had to move it to my local hard drive, and those buttons vanished.

Anyways, after a bunch of testing I found out that when I put a script command on the Quick Access Toolbar of a document saved on the local hard drive, the entire Quick Access Toolbar of that document is erased the next time I open that document.

It doesn't matter if the script is saved in that document or in the Personal Macro Workbook.
It only happens if I put scripts in there. If I put Excel's built in commands in the document's Quick Access Toolbar they'll still be there the next time I open the document, but if I put a script there the entire toolbar will be erased - scripts, built in commands and separators alike.
It only happens if I save the document on the local hard drive. If I save it on a network folder the Quick Access Toolbar does not get erased even if I put scripts in it.
The global Quick Access Toolbar("For all documents(default)") works fine - the problem is only on toolbars attached to documents ("for XXX.xlsm")Why am I asking this on a VBA forum? Well, I figured that since that problem only happens with scripts, it is unlikely for a non-coders to experience it. Unless he uses someone else's scripts, in which case he's going to come running to that guy and again, a coder is involved in solving it...

08-11-2010, 11:07 AM