View Full Version : Solved: Using cmdbutton.caption in msgbox

08-14-2010, 10:51 AM
Hello experts,


I have a userform that includes a 4 page multipage. Each page has ~ 10 buttons. Each button is captioned within the userform initialize event. Each button serves basically the same purpose on different ranges. I have a msg box ask the user if they really want to do what they clicked... So there are about 40 cmdClick subs... i want the msg to to use the "buttonclicked".caption (me.caption wasn't scoped to the button but to the form)

I would like to replace the "me.cmdHorn1.caption" with something like me.caption where "me" refers to the button actually clicked within the multi page. (4 multipage pages aprox 10+ buttons each page)

Sample button sub with msgbox below:
(cmdHorn1_Click is a 1 example of 40 different buttons... all have the same naming convention)

Private Sub cmdHorn1_Click()
answer = MsgBox(msgP1 & Me.cmdHorn1.Caption & msgP2, vbOKCancel, "Click OK to Update")
If answer = vbCancel Then Exit Sub ' the macro ends if the user selects the CANCEL-button

Unload Me
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized

On Error GoTo ResetWorkbookSettings:
If ActiveSheet.Name <> "LINKS" Then Sheets("LINKS").Select
Set LinkTable = ActiveSheet.Range("L5:U5")

For Each Rng In LinkTable
Application.Run "UpdateLinks"
Next Rng


Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
MsgBox msgP3 & Me.cmdHorn1.Caption & msgP4, vbInformation
Exit Sub
Application.WindowState = xlMaximized
End Sub

Any help or direction... as always... is greatly appreciated :)

Thanks - Justin

08-14-2010, 12:01 PM
You might try
MsgBox Me.ActiveControl.Caption

Also if you only need 10 actions, would it be possible to put those 10 buttons outside the Multi-page, decreasing the number of buttons by a factor of 4?

08-15-2010, 02:40 AM
You might also consider completely eliminating all those individual event handlers and have just one. See:

08-16-2010, 07:37 AM
Thanks for both suggestions... i will try the activecontrol method as it will be the quickest for me to implement... but will look at reducing the event handling down to one as well :) The fewer the better. Thanks to the both of you for your feedback.



08-16-2010, 10:04 AM
Apologies, i assumed me.activecontrol.caption would work, however i get run time error '438' object doesn't support this property or method. Any ideas?

This is a command button on a multipage on a userform.

Thanks p45Cal and mikeerickson... i think we are in the right direction... maybe just another little nudge will do the trick...


08-16-2010, 11:53 PM
I forgot that it was inside a Multi-page.
If you put this in the UF code module, it should work.

Public WithEvents clickedButton As msforms.CommandButton

Private Sub clickedButton_Click()
Rem common code
MsgBox clickedButton.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Enter()
Set clickedButton = CommandButton1
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Enter()
Set clickedButton = CommandButton2
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton30_Enter()
Set clickedButton = CommandButton30
End Sub