View Full Version : [VBA - UserForms] Adding

08-19-2010, 06:25 AM

I need to add a record of items (as is done with a listbox) but I need to add OptionButton items to the form for every item that is listed in the listbox, how will I add the OptionButtons to the form for every item after the macro (userform) has been initialised, (edit the height + add the things).


Bob Phillips
08-19-2010, 06:40 AM
Sub ListOptions()
Const nPerColumn As Long = 35 'number of items per column
Const nWidth As Long = 11 'width of each letter
Const nHeight As Long = 18 'height of each row
Const sID As String = "___SheetOptions" 'name of dialog sheet
Const kCaption As String = " Select Option"
'dialog caption
Dim i As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim TopPos As Long
Dim iBooks As Long
Dim cCols As Long
Dim cLetters As Long
Dim cMaxLetters As Long
Dim iLeft As Long
Dim thisDlg As DialogSheet
Dim cb As OptionButton

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If ActiveWorkbook.ProtectStructure Then
MsgBox "Workbook is protected.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
Set thisDlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheets.Add

With thisDlg

.Name = sID
.Visible = xlSheetHidden

'sets variables for positioning on dialog
iBooks = 0
cCols = 0
cMaxLetters = 0
iLeft = 78
TopPos = 40

For i = 1 To Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row

If i Mod nPerColumn = 1 Then

cCols = cCols + 1
TopPos = 40
iLeft = iLeft + (cMaxLetters * nWidth)
cMaxLetters = 0
End If

cLetters = Len(Cells(i, "A").Value)
If cLetters > cMaxLetters Then

cMaxLetters = cLetters
End If

iBooks = iBooks + 1
.OptionButtons.Add iLeft, TopPos, cLetters * nWidth, 16.5
.OptionButtons(iBooks).Text = Cells(i, "A").Value
TopPos = TopPos + 13
Next i

.Buttons.Left = iLeft + (cMaxLetters * nWidth) + 24

With .DialogFrame
.Height = Application.Max(68, _
Application.Min(iBooks, nPerColumn) * nHeight + 10)
.Width = iLeft + (cMaxLetters * nWidth) + 24
.Caption = kCaption
End With

.Buttons("Button 2").BringToFront
.Buttons("Button 3").BringToFront

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If .Show Then

For Each cb In thisDlg.OptionButtons

If cb.Value = xlOn Then

Call MyAction(cb.Caption)
Exit For
End If
Next cb
MsgBox "Nothing selected"
End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End With

End Sub

Private Sub MyAction(Arg As String)

MsgBox Arg
End Sub

08-19-2010, 06:41 AM
Thanks, I'll take a look at that :D