View Full Version : Hyperlink TextToDisplay

08-28-2010, 08:56 PM
I am running Word2003 and WinXP. This is not quite a VBA question, but the solution may include VBA to fix the problem.

I have a Word document with a hundred or so hyperlinks (all to web page locations). All were created manually (highlight text, right click, navigate to Hyperlink, paste web location into address box, click OK or the short cut approach: hilite text, cntl-K, cntl-V, Enter) over a 3 day period and all links work fine. All of the hyperlinks display the correct "texttodisplay", i.e., the original text and in all cases the text color is the standard blue. But in approx 25% of the cases, the text is not underlined. I do not think I have ever seen this before in a Word document and I have been unable to replicate the problem since I noticed it.

I searched around Word's help on hyperlinks and explored the hyperlink object trying to find some way that the displayed text might be a different color/font/something unless manually done. I vaguely remember running across something a while ago about this, but can not remember where I saw it. Unlike Excel where hyperlink text is forced to a default font/size, Word does not seem to care and if you highlight text that is 20pt Arial, the resulting "blue text" is 20pt Arial.

I can easily recreate all the links with a small vba proceudre (and that should fix the problem), but I would like to understand what the cause might be.

Anyone have any idea what might be going on here?
