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View Full Version : pivot labels

09-04-2010, 11:41 PM
Hi All,

i create data entry from column A - D, then i drag column A to Row Labels and Column D to Values. then i will have pivot table.
and when i double click in values, it will create a new table in a new worksheet for that labels.
now, when i double click and create new worksheet, can that worksheet automatically have a name like labels.
row labels count

BUS 100
TAXI 150

and when i double click in 100, then create a new worksheet with name BUS...and so on...
can someone provide me a vba to achieve that.
i also attach my sample.(this is only sample, my column more than 4 col)

many thanks


09-06-2010, 06:46 PM
can someone help me???

Bob Phillips
09-07-2010, 12:07 AM
I am not sure what you want, the drilled-down data seems to have those labels to me.