View Full Version : Show Formula Value

09-11-2010, 04:31 AM
Hi guys and girls,

I am trying to link several workbooks together.

I have created a formula which will look for another excel workbook based on information in my master workbook. My formula is as follows:

="'"&"A:\Timesheets\TIMESHEETS\"&$B$1&"\"&$C$1&"\"&"["&$B69&"- "&$A$1&".xlsm]"&"Profile'"&"!"&"$C$8"

This results in the following value:

'A:\Timesheets\TIMESHEETS\2010\September\[Employee Name - September 2010.xlsm]Profile'!$C$8

But my problem is that I need excel to now use this value to look for the workbook links. If I copy and paste values in another cell then it will find the correct workbook but I don't want to have to copy and paste values for so many formulas!

Is there any way I can make excel use the value to then look for the workbook links?

Thanks so much for any help


09-26-2010, 11:18 PM

if you want to do this by using VBA, you can use:

URL = "A:\Timesheets\TIMESHEETS\" & Range("B1").Value & "\" & Range("C1").Value & "\[" & Range("B69").Value & "- " & Range("A1").Value & ".xlsm]Profile'!C8"
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
URL, TextToDisplay:= URL

Bob Phillips
09-27-2010, 12:01 AM
Why not just use find (Ctrl-F) with the workbook?