View Full Version : Solved: Office 2010 Ribbom Customizations

10-12-2010, 05:31 PM
In 2010 you can customize the ribbon without XML or the CustomUI editor.

The customizations seems to persist across Excel, etc. sessions.

Does anyone know where the customizations are stored?


10-16-2010, 05:09 AM
No idea how the post got doubled up. Time stamps are the same:dunno

In 2010 you can export and import the customizations to/from an XML file that (sample)looks like this:

<mso:cmd app="Excel" dt="1" />
<mso:customUI xmlns:mso="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
<mso:tab id="mso_c1.CCBC110" label="Design">
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupSmartArtCreateGraphic"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupSmartArtLayouts"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupSmartArtQuickStyles"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupSmartArtReset"/>
<mso:tab id="mso_c2.CCBCD6F" label="Format">
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupSmartArtShapes"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupShapeStyles"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupWordArtStyles"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupArrange"/>
<mso:group idQ="mso:GroupSmartArtSize"/>

but it's not where Excel, etc. seems to store its customizations
