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View Full Version : External Data Help

06-01-2005, 07:45 PM
Each month I create a new workbook for 13 employees each book is the same except the name (Dale workbook 5-2005.xls, James Dale workbook 5-2005.xls and so on) and in each one of these books is a page named results, I have to make a monthly master that includes the 13 pages that I have to copy from each book and past in there proper place. I woul like to create a master that the pages are linked to the employee workbooks and there respective results page

12-23-2011, 01:42 AM
It might be a bit formula intensive to create a linked entire page to each of the 13 pages....

maybe search down the macro route and create a file that you open and click a button which will cycle through all 13 files and copy the results page..

It will be just as quick to update and will not leave any forumla residue..