View Full Version : Transfer Form Data To Worksheet

11-08-2010, 03:15 AM
Please help me in resolving the error attached with this and code below:
txttotfailurerate.Value = Format(txttotfailurerate.Value, "#,#.####")
txttotfailurerate.Value = totfailrate

ActiveSheet.Range("N4").Value = Application.Text(txttotfailurerate.Value, "#.####")

Next i

'For i = 4 To (4 + count) - 1
'Restoration rate

' ActiveSheet.Range("K" & i).Value = (1 / ActiveSheet.Range("C" & i).Value)

' Next i

For i = 4 To (4 + count) - 1
'MTBF of System
Range("N5").Font.Bold = True

txttotmtbfval.Value = (1 / totfailrate) + ActiveSheet.Range("C" & i).Value

txttotmtbfval.Value = Format(txttotmtbfval.Value, "#,#.####")

ActiveSheet.Range("N5").Value = txttotmtbfval.Value

Next i
txttotfailurerate.Enabled = False
txttotmtbfval.Enabled = False

' Range("H26").Font.Bold = True
'ActiveSheet.Range("H26").Value = seriessum

txtavailability.Value = (1 / totfailrate) / ((1 / totfailrate) + ActiveSheet.Range("C4").Value) * 100

txtavailability.Value = Format(txtavailability.Value, "#,#.####")

ActiveSheet.Range("N6").Value = Application.Text(txtavailability.Value, "#,#.####")
txtavailability.Enabled = False

Bob Phillips
11-09-2010, 04:45 AM
I have moved this to its own thread, it is a different topic.

What is the error you are getting? can you post the workbook?