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11-12-2010, 03:02 AM
I need an Employee Scheduler in Excel does anybody know where can I get some templates? Thanks!

Bob Phillips
11-12-2010, 04:46 AM
Google it!

11-12-2010, 05:14 AM
i'm trying :) but I was asking if somebody posted in here something about ..an Employee Scheduler in Excel

11-18-2010, 05:12 AM

I've attached an excel file ...

I have the sheet Total where I want to centralize the data from all sheets.

Each sheet represent a different project.

In the "total" sheet each project will have a unique code for example totosi="TOTO" ; matrix="MX" ;reed_italia="RIT" and so on...

In the cell E5 from the "total" sheet I want to put a formula with wich I can veify if the cell E5 from all sheets is populated with an "x" ..if ..true I want to get in E5 total's cell the code of the project if false I want to get " - "

I'm trying this
=if(totosi!E5=X;"TOTO";IF(matrix!E5=X;"MX";IF(reed_italia!E5=X;"RIT;IF(reed_franta!E5=X;total!;IF('gratta e vinci'!E5=X;"GV"; _
IF('1240'!E5=X;"TG";IF('telepas twin'!E5=X;"TLPT";IF('telepas aziende'!E5=X;"TLP";IF(mimesi!E5=X;"MIM";IF(spaniola!E5=X;"SP"; _
IF(moneygram!E5=X;"MNG";IF('visual box'!E5=X;"VB";IF(fastweb!E5=X;"FWB";"SET";"-")))))))))

... but it doesn't work :)


11-18-2010, 07:26 AM
I was a little lazy to add all worksheets' Cell E5 to the formula but it should do the trick for you.


11-18-2010, 08:00 AM
ur formula works :) but i don't want to count "x" .. in the sheet named "total" i want to get the code for each project ... like ..this

TR Training Proiect MX Matrix RIT Reed Italia RIF Reed Franta VB Visual Box TLPT Telepas twin TLP Telepas GV Gratta e Vinci _
SP Spania MIM Mimesi FWB Fastweb TOTO Totosi TG 1240 :)

11-18-2010, 08:02 AM
if ... cell totosi!E5=X ... in the cell total!E5 i want to see "TOTO" :) else "-"


11-18-2010, 08:07 AM
=CONCATENATE(IF(totosi!E5="x","TOTO","")," ",IF(matrix!E5="x","MX",""))
Extend the formula as per your need!

11-18-2010, 01:53 PM
HMM ... CAN'T do it :) .. i'mm getting #name? -- error.. :)

Bob Phillips
11-18-2010, 02:39 PM
=IF(totosi!E5="X";"TOTO";"")&IF(matrix!E5="X";"MX";"")&IF(reed_italia!E5="X";"RIT";"") _
&IF(reed_franta!E5="X";"total";"")&IF('gratta e vinci'!E5="X";"GV";"") _
&IF('1240'!E5="X";"TG";"")&IF('telepas twin'!E5="X";"TLPT";"") _
&IF('telepas aziende'!E5="X";"TLP";"")&IF(mimesi!E5="X";"MIM";"") _
&IF(spaniola!E5="X";"SP";"")&IF(moneygram!E5="X";"MNG";"") _
&IF('visual box'!E5="X";"VB";"")&IF(fastweb!E5="X";"FWB";"")

11-18-2010, 06:15 PM
Bob, does the 7 If statement limit not apply in this case because of the &?

Bob Phillips
11-19-2010, 04:27 AM
That's right Austen, it doesn't. The reason is that it is NOT 7 IF statements that is a problem, it is 7 NESTED functions (any function). In this technique, nothing is nested.

11-19-2010, 09:01 AM
thanks!! xld ..I won't mark this threand as solved ..cause I might Have another questions!

thanks again!

11-20-2010, 05:13 PM
You might not but I shall. If you have other questions please raise them in another thread.